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Employing Aeroponic Systems for the Clonal Propagation of Cannabis (2021년)

작성자 : 김종희 작성일 : 2023-03-08 13:59:07 조회수 : 2632

  • DOI:  10.3791/63117

  • 게재지

    Journal of Visualized Experiments (SCIE)


    2021 Dec 1;(178). doi: 10.3791/63117.


    This protocol describes the standardization of an efficient clonal propagation technique of hemp by utilizing aeroponic systems. Primary shoot cuttings were excised from two hemp varieties, named "Cherry Wine" and "Red Robin" (17-20% w/w CBD), that served as 'mother plant'. An auxin precursor (indole-3-butyric acid) was applied to stimulate root development in the basal portion of the excised cuttings prior to placement in the system. Cuttings were lightly misted with the nutrient mist solution every three days to provide nutritional support as the solution contains the essential macronutrients, including nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. The aeroponic system water reservoir maintained a pH range between 5.0-6.0 and a water temperature between 20-22 °C. A submersible water pump was used to deliver water to the cuttings. The shoot tip cuttings were provided with 24 h of light per day for 10 days until root development occurred, upon which the rooted cuttings were transplanted for research purposes. These aeroponic systems have proven to generate desirable results for Cannabis propagation. The method described here alleviates potential time constraints that arise from traditional methods to allow for a more efficient means for the asexual propagation of Cannabis.
